Leo Lotopolsky | Principal, LEED AP
Graduated from CNBA., architect (UBA) with LEED AP professional accreditation, is senior partner of Point Design Buenos Aires.
In more than 15 years of national and international experience has led projects for retail and architecture of complexity in Argentina, Guatemala, Colombia, China, Indonesia and the Philippines. In his work as a designer and manager, coordinates daily work and effort of designers, architects, landscape architects, lighting designers and consultants integrating each of the specialties within the framework and strategies for Sustainable Building Design.
He has participated in publications and in national and international competitions. He is coauthor of the First Prize International Competition SXXI Civic Park (2008) Masterplan for the new seat of government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires,
He has taught architectural design FADU 1992-2000. Since 2009 he is member of the technical committee AGBC (Argentina Green Building Council). He has given lectures on the LEED certification system | Sustainability in postgraduate courses of the UBA and the UTD. Since 2010 is director of Graduate Sustainable Design and Construction, University of Palermo.